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"O My Lord increase me in knowledge" Quran.

Please feel free to get in touch with Muslim chaplaincy through facebook or email Br. Faraz: b u r r a a q @ r c i . r u t g e r s . e d u

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Dua' - Studying for Finals Made Easy

1. Rab-bish rah li sadri
wa yus-sir li amri
wahlul 'uqdatam milisani
yafqahu qoli

My Lord expand for me my breast
and make my work easy for me
and loosen the knot from my tongue
so they may understand my speech

2. Rab-bi zidni 'ilma

My Lord, increase me in knowledge

3. Allahuma faqihni fiddin
O Allah, grant me the understanding of this religion.

4. Allahum inni asaluka 'ilman nafia'
wa 'amalan mutaqabila
wa rizkan tayyiba

O Allah, I ask you for beneficial knowledge, acceptable deeds,
and pure and acceptable provision

5. Allahuman fa'ana bima 'alamtana wa 'alimna ma yanfa'una wa zidna 'ilma

O Allah, benefit us by that which you have taught us, and teach us that which will benefit us, and increase us in knowledge.

6. Allahuma inni a'ozobika min 'ilmin la yanfa'
wa min qalbin la yakhsha'
wa min nafsin la tashba'
wa min da'watin la yustajabo laha

O Allah, I seek your protection from knowledge that does not benefit
and from the heart that doesn't humble itself
and from a soul that is not satiated
and from an invocation (dua') that is not answered by you.

In conclusion, make dua, study hard, and take the test with a smile ;)
Finals & The MIRACULOUS DUA (((audio)))

1 comment:

Asraa said...

Assalam Alaikum br Faraz - thank you for the very helpful and relevant post! =)
