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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Beauty on My Own Terms

OPINION: Student at RU speak out

I have always been taught that all individuals are created equal; that no one should be judged according to gender, beauty, wealth, or privilege, that the only thing that makes one individual better than another is the content of a person's character. However, these days it becomes increasingly difficult to forget physical differences and instead concentrate on more important issues. By covering not only my hair but also my body and self from public view, I shift the focus of attention away from my physical features and I hope instead to my intellectual being. By choosing to don appropriate clothing I divert unwanted attention and gazes and instead make it known to the world that my body is my own concern. I am free from the restrictions of the never ending fashion and beauty trends followed by so many, and instead of worrying about my hairstyle and makeup I can instead channel my energy into something more productive.
My choice to wear the Hijab, which is the Muslim headscarf, renders it as not only a physical covering but also a path through which to better my character and personality. By understanding that the superficial issues of this world serve no purpose but to distract me from my ultimate goal of pleasing the Creator, I am given the opportunity to not only work towards fulfilling this goal but also to personally raise my self-esteem . By attempting to break away from the shallow binds of this world, I immobilize my pursuit of the abstract notions of beauty, essentially recognizing that such a pursuit is incredibly futile and time consuming.
By wearing the Hijab I not only cover my hair, but also represent my religion to the world. I try to act in an appropriate manner, the manner in which Muslims are to act in both personal relations and in public discourse. If I am to dress like a Muslim woman and publicly represent the religion, I have to understand that I am not only representing my self but actually all the Muslim women who are dressed like me.
Hijab is a simple expression of belief in the religion of Islam and the decision to wear it is for the woman alone. If she decides to fully accept Islam, as I did, then she has by default chosen to accept this basic tenant of modesty as well. This is by no means a method of subjugating women to the "oppressive, patriorachal, dominating, unfair" rules of the religion, but rather it is their liberation from the bounds of materialistic attractions so commonly found in society. I along with many countless Muslim women do not view my veil and modest dress as awkward, backward, or demeaning. I view it as a protection of that which God has given me, a protection of my physical and mental capacities.
Wearing the hijab provides me with the chance to reject the oppression, ridicule, and contempt that are associated with the "beauty cycle" of the so called "lookism" culture. By donning it I have asserted the fact that my physical appearance and clothing have no role in either my educational or social interactions. By choosing to wear the Hijab, I have not only learned to better myself but also to present an accurate image to those around me about both myself and my religion. I have and will continue to use it as a tool through which to convey one main message to others. This hijab has given me the self-respect, humility, and dignity that have allowed me to value myself more as a woman. My hijab may cover my hair and body but it liberates my soul.


Saher said...

Salaam alaikum,

Right on sister! Masha'Allah great post :)

You captured the true meaning of beauty... beautifully!

Melody said...

Takbeer ^_^
