Campus News:

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"O My Lord increase me in knowledge" Quran.

Please feel free to get in touch with Muslim chaplaincy through facebook or email Br. Faraz: b u r r a a q @ r c i . r u t g e r s . e d u

Disclaimer: Comments in the blog do not necessarily reflect the views of Office of the Muslim Chaplain at Rutgers University. All comments/posts are owned by the respective author and may not be used outside of the blog without prior written consent of the author.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Salamu Alaikum Students!

MashAllah, I must say that so far my perception of Rutgers' Muslim students have been very positive. There are many individuals who are trying to become better Muslims and trying to contribute in whatever way possible. Whether it's bake sale, Haj session, water well in Ghana, welcome back to school dinner, Wake-a-thon 2007, etc., there is so much "POSITIVE ENERGY" on campus. I really like this upbeat environment.

Many students have already come up to me to voice their concerns about certain matters and I really appreciate this (feel free to contact me - I'm all "Ears"). I believe they are trying to do the right thing. Some students have actually come up to me and mentioned things that need a quick fix and others have mentioned long challenging projects.

I could just hear some of you saying: hmmm! explain yourself Mr. Chaplain :)

Well! To be blunt, many students have pointed out that UNITY on campus is a major issue - in need of a quick fix. Also, a Muslim student center on campus is desperately needed - another big challenge (Amr Ayub mentioned to me that there were 30 students praying maghrib last night in Grad Student Ctr). And I am sure while reading this you could think of a million other things that we need to accomplish (feel free to chime in - that's why I set up this blog).

I think all problems could be resolved by simply decoding

Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera.

Did you get that? Let me repeat the French proverb ... j/k :)
it is this simple:

"Surely, God will not change a condition of a people unless they change first what is within themselves" (Qur'an).

stay out of trouble - think BIG!


Melody said...

Asalaamu alaikum,

Jazaak Allah Khair for everything that you have done thus far. I see bigger and brighter things for the future of Rutgers ... mostly for the Muslims on campus. I'm so excited about this semester as well as the semesters to come :)

Insha'Allah with your compassion and great advice, bi'dnillah we can overcome such obstacles!

One question: where are your halaqas on Wednesdays? Paul Robeson Cultural Center on Busch Campus?


OMCRU said...


Yes, I am really excited... inshAllah khair... I am waiting for Room confirmation from Dawud Fricke... probably College Ave.

gotta run for 'esha

